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Do you think Social media is distracting?

From dusk till dawn, jumping from one app to the other, we live on the internet.

We, and all the online applications and networking platforms out there, use each other for various reasons. And also for no reason.

But the point is, are we using it right?

Also, it looks like some people have misunderstood the meaning of 'right.' They have stopped using social media. Can you believe it?!

All my friends from school have social media accounts, but few are actively using them. I’ve no idea where most of them are and what's going on in their lives.

I asked one of my friends why she deactivated her Facebook and Instagram accounts and is rarely seen online on WhatsApp. She said that, for her, they are not only distracting but discouraging as well. She needed to stay focused since she was preparing for UPSC exams.

I can only imagine just how much hard work and concentration it needs.  

Seeing other people traveling, exploring different things, going out with friends, and having fun while she had no choice but to bury her head in thick, boring books at home dampens her mood.

I understand that the things that encourage some people to be better, for some, they're demotivating. 

But it would be better to be on at least one online socializing platform (other than WhatsApp) because it's not about just socializing anymore.


Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, and LinkedIn are some popular apps we usually spend most of our time on, right? 

Now, I'm not going to say 'right', but here's how I use them for my benefit:

  1. Instagram

Thanks to Instagram, everybody is now a mini blogger or an influencer. Other than my friend’s selfies and food photos, my IG feed is crammed with posts of:

  • Writers blog- I follow many creative and professional writers to observe their writing styles, get inspirational content ideas, and learn how to use IG as a writer without having to show my face.


  • Book bloggers- I find it satisfying to look at aesthetic book photos and annotations from readers marked with colorful pens and markers. And, of course, I follow them for fictional and personal growth book recommendations.

  • Sustainable products and lifestyle profiles- I'm an environmentalist by heart. Looking at the way people are mistreating nature always ruins my mood. I want to know everything about an environmentally friendly lifestyle and spread awareness through my writing skill. 

  • Fashion influencers- For as long as I can remember, self-consciousness has always been my constant, unwanted companion. Fashion influencers have been a great help in making me feel more confident about my appearance.

  • Art blogs- Other than writing, I also like drawing and sketching. I love making bookmarks and DIY decorative items from discarded materials. It's a fantastic stress-buster activity.

  • Social media marketers & managers-  

To learn how to use social media as a content creator.

  1. YouTube

Photo by Joshua Miranda

If I'm not on Instagram, I'm on youtube. I'm using youtube. I'm not a YouTuber.

  • Now, who doesn't like listening to songs to refresh their mind? My favorites are the old, the '90s, and early 20's songs. They work like magic.

  • Book reviews- When I can't buy any book, I listen and watch its review. I like watching many book reviews of one book for better understanding.

  • Motivation- What do you do when you feel lost, demotivated, clueless, and hopeless? I listen to Sandeep Maheshwari, Josh talks, and Ted-X.

  • How to's- I'm not going to lie. Youtube has been a better teacher than the ones in my school and college. Since everyone understands things differently, this online platform has many options to choose from.

     3. Twitter

  • It’s my go-to platform for quick & direct tips and bits of advice.

  • I also use it to create a one-liner quote post for IG.

Twitter is a gem if you follow the right people.

4. Pinterest

This app is Just. So. Fascinating.

If you're a content creator, I suppose you're familiar with this application.  

The first thing our teachers in the design institute made us do was to download the Pinterest app. They said, 'without Pinterest, your phone is useless.'

If you don't know, Pinterest is an online space where you'll find endless inspiration and ideas about whatever topic you want. It's also easy to drive traffic to your other social media platforms from here. I use it for my blog.

When I first started using it, I felt like a kid in a candy store. 


And last but not least.

5. LinkedIn

I call it a no-bullshit platform because everything we do here is serious and for meaningful reasons. 

It hasn't even been 6 months since I joined Linkedin, and I’ve noticed some improvement in my writing by simply reading others’ content.  

Seeing talented and skilled people like you sharing their knowledge, achievements, failures, mistakes, and progress here motivates me to keep going and write something every day. It doesn't have to be online. 

That's how I'm already a little better than I was yesterday.

An ocean full of knowledge is literally in our hands. How we use it is entirely in our control. 

What about you? 

Do you find social media distracting or inspiring? 

And how do you use it? 

Or are you letting it use you?

Tags: social media, distraction, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, WhatsApp, facebook


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