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Do you think Social media is distracting?

Photo by Oleksandr Pidvalnyi From dusk till dawn, jumping from one app to the other, we live on the internet. We, and all the online applications and networking platforms out there, use each other for various reasons. And also for no reason. But the point is, are we using it right? Also, it looks like some people have misunderstood the meaning of 'right.' They have stopped using social media. Can you believe it?! All my friends from school have social media accounts, but few are actively using them. I’ve no idea where most of them are and what's going on in their lives. I asked one of my friends why she deactivated her Facebook and Instagram accounts and is rarely seen online on WhatsApp. She said that, for her, they are not only distracting but discouraging as well. She needed to stay focused since she was preparing for UPSC exams. I can only imagine just how much hard work and concentration it needs.   Seeing other people traveling, exploring different things, going out w

An addiction I never want to cure

  Photo by George Shervashidze "Addiction of any kind is not good for health." That's what everybody says. And they're not wrong.  Addiction, meaning getting used to something so much that it's hard to go a day without it. It's common to hear about and see people addicted to alcohol, drugs, and cigarettes. But have you ever thought that some addictions could be good too?  Well, I am addicted to one of the good things. Reading!. Maybe I'm exaggerating by calling this habit an addiction, but that's what it feels like to me. My day feels incomplete without reading at least a paragraph of something I'm currently reading.   A few years back, if someone would’ve told me that I would want to spend the rest of my life reading books and writing stuff, I would've laughed in their face and told them to stop thinking such ridiculous things. When I was in high school, I hated even looking at books. Could you blame me? I'm terrible with numbers. Only the

The solution of all the physical problems

        Photo by Pixabay   " A thing, but a living one, You see me everywhere  in 50 or so shades of brown. I'm one of the life-giving things  that have fabricated everything you see. I'm everywhere, outside your house and also somewhere in. " Come on! Think. The answer is pretty obvious. A crucial part of the ecosystem and one of the five fundamental elements of nature that form everything in the world, SOIL.   Soil is not just the dirt beneath our feet or merely the ground we walk on. This is a non-renewable natural resource and home to billions of creatures. This is where our needs come from, our food, feed, fuel, and fiber source. The cycle of life starts and ends here. Why are we talking about soil? Everybody is focused on air, water, and noise pollution because we can see and feel their effect. But we don't realize something far more critical needs our attention right now. For the past few months, whenever I water the plants at home, I also make sure to wate

How I finally started writing

        Photo by Corinne Kutz on Unsplash ‘ I want to do this, but what if something went wrong?  What if I'm not good enough?  What if I get only a negative response?  What if I get no response at all?’ These are some of the thoughts that come to my mind whenever I think of trying something new. And I  bet you do too. I start overthinking and doubting myself. It feels like I'm losing my mind. And after a while, the idea seems stupid. When I hear people say, ‘ Hey, don’t worry. It'll pass. You'll be fine. ’ It annoys me. I know that the first step is scary, and it’s natural, and it’s frightening for everyone. I know they're only trying to make me feel better.  It's comforting to know that I'm not the only one. But knowing that doesn’t make it any less scary and frustrating, does it? Being in that moment is not easy at all. The first step before every action is to get mentally prepared. To make sure that you are confident about your decision.  It’s a crucial